Prof. Dr. Andreas Ruediger

Phone: +1.514.228.6854 <br/>

Fax: +1.450.929.8102<br/>

E-mail: <br/>

Office: 1039 <br/>

Institut national de la recherche scientifique
1650, Blvd. Lionel-Boulet
Varennes (QC) J3X 1S2 CANADA

Fields of interest

- Physics of oxide nanoelectronics
- Structure-function relations
- Size effects in ferroelectrics
- Functionalized scanning probe techniques, in particular
  tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and piezoresponse force


Curriculum Vitae

Full professor at INRS-EMT, nanoelectronics-nanophotonics and head of the laboratory of ferroelectric nanoelectronics (Canadian Foundation for Innovation)

2003-2008 - tenured senior scientist and head of the Nanoarchitecture Laboratory at the Institute of Solid State Research (IFF) of the Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany (group of Rainer Waser)

2001-2003 - Alexander-von-Humboldt Research fellow and Research associate at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (group of Jim Scott)

1998-2001 - PhD student in the department of physics, Universität Osnabrück, Germany (group Ortwin Schirmer) "Light-induced charge transfer processes and pyroelectric luminescence in Sn2P2S6"

1997-1998 - PhD student in the department of biology, Universität Osnabrück, Germany (group Wolfgang Junge) "Single-molecule spectroscopy on FOF1-ATPase"

1993-1997 - undergraduate in the department of physics, Universität Osnabrück, Germany, Diplom-Physiker: "Ladungsträgerbeweglichkeit in Oxidischen Kristallen" (group Ekart Krätzig)

1992-1993 - civilian service in the youth hostel of Bad Iburg

1991-1992 - undergraduate in the department of physics, Universität Dortmund

1982-1991 - Schalker Gymnasium, Abitur LK Französisch und Physik, average 1.0

Other activities

- Honorary Fellow of Munich University of Applied Sciences
- Fellow of the Institute of Physics
- Associate editor of Functional Materials Letters, International
  Journal of Nanoscience, Journal of Crystallization and Crystal